Do More.

The Motivation of writing this blog is super simple yet super powerful : You.
Have a Nice Read!

Off late I have been interacting with so many people via different touch points, be it in person, be it via social media, or be it cold calling and mailing. And a major realization happened via a lot of these conversations. As we speak today, Right Now! There are so many brilliant people out there who are doing something that they absolutely do not like.

But then why are they still doing it?

Well Honestly, I totally understand; while the clarity that they don’t like something is very much there. But the answer to the question : “If not this, then what?” is stopping so many of us. Another major barrier that stops a lot of us from freeing that bird in the hand, is because we aren’t sure if the bush has any at all.
“What if It doesn’t work out ?” or “What if I don’t make it big enough?” or “Do I want to do this forever?” and multiple versions of the same.

But you know what’s funny ? So many of us don’t like the place that we are in, And are doing nothing about it. Because, “What if it doesn’t work out?”

Well, “What if it does?”

Something that really inspires me daily, is this hoarding that I cross on my way to work everyday: *Dare or Stay there*. Few people out of pure good will have said that I got lucky to have found something that I like. And that they don’t know what they like or would like to do.
And that’s the tipping point, I don’t know what to do that I will like, so I am gonna continue doing what I am doing and not liking. Followed by this beautiful crappy statement that is so misused today, defensively : * But there is Learning * – Here is the truth, anything you do in this life will bring you learning, anything !

So, What’s the rant about ?

Well, what’s your favorite song ? How many songs did you listen before you found that out ?
Simple. The only, only way to converge to something or a few things that you will like is to Do More.

Its funny how we over-expect from what we can learn / do in a day and under-expect what we can do in a month / year.
For a moment just don’t worry if it is the thing for you. It may not be! Just try so much more to find what is! You need to do so much more, a lot lot more to Find Your Voice.

Put yourself in uncomfortable places, take a mike and put your self to an audience once, record that first track, write that first piece of blog, click that first picture, take that first trip, make that first vlog, buy that first stock, just whatever and just see how it goes.

What if?

Glorify the term *What if*

A mini rant that needs to be let out with this: Stop being obsessed with the Idea of Stability.

For a lot of you reading it, this might be the age without a lot of liabilities, without the baggage. As you keep getting older, responsibilities will increase : You may not want to live a dorm life with family and kids, but you can do that today!
Having said that, It is never too late! and still, starting early wouldn’t hurt!

Take that Baby step, Risk it out and Do More.

Respect & Exploit the time that you are living in ( Mind it, I ll not say Born in ), It was never so easy & free to showcase you talent -and- never so accessible to learn something that you wanted to! People are consuming more Content that they are consuming Food! Just do whatever the hell you want to do, Put in the Handwork, Put in the Time, Put in the Strategy & I Bet my money that it will work.
A quote that I use to convince my parents these days is *Kaam se Kaam Milta Hai* : *Work shall bring-in more Work* & hence, just take some action! Something my current job has also helped me learn- Be Biased for action!

I contacted 5 places to conduct my first workshop, Just one of them replied. I wasn’t sad, I was happy for a Non-Zero Response.
What Next:
After conducting the First batch, I mailed rest of them again! 😀


All the others Replied 🙂 


As I mentioned, that’s the beauty of TODAY & INTERNET : No Contacts needed, no Jacks needed – Google it up, Check their contact on Zomato – Make a call / Send in a Mail!


Let me break something to you, something a mentor said as a 3-Word-Lesson:

You Will Die!

Do something about it.

I honestly feel that we take life way too much for granted. One thing that has pushed me to do things is the question that I have started to ask myself constantly:

*What do I not want to regret on my death bed?*

Hope this pushes you to try something, to risk something!
& I assure, if nothing else
You’ll learn something,

One thought on “Do More.

  1. My admiration grows more and more as I read and discover the content you are writing and feelings you share and the work you do. I am proud to have you in my life. Bless you. Keep on exploring.

    Liked by 1 person

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